Winning at the Acquisition Game. Tools, Templates, and Best Practices Across the M&A Process. Timothy J. Galpin. SummaryBloodsport. When Ruthless Dealmakers, Shrewd Ideologues, and Brawling Lawyers Toppled the Corporate Establishment. Robert Teitelman. SummaryDue Diligence for Global Deal Making. The Definitive Guide to Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Financing, and Strategic Alliances. Arthur H. Rosenbloom. SummaryBuyout. The Insider's Guide to Buying Your Own Company. Rick Rickertsen, Robert E. Gunther. SummaryThe Synergy Trap. How Companies Lose the Acquisition Game. Mark L. Sirower. SummaryIntelligent M&A. Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Minefield. Scott Moeller, Chris Brady. SummaryApplied Mergers and Acquisitions. Robert F. Bruner. SummaryThe Complete Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions. Process Tools to Support M&A Integration at Every Level. Timothy J. Galpin, Mark Herndon. SummaryLet's Buy a Company. How to Accelerate Growth through Acquisitions. H. Lee Rust. SummaryMergers. Leadership, Performance and Corporate Health. David Fubini, Colin Price, Maurizio Zollo. SummaryThe Human Side of M & A. Leveraging the Most Important Factor in Deal Making. Dennis C. Carey, Dayton Ogden. SummaryDriving Shareholder Value. Value-Building for Creating Shareholder Wealth. Roger A. Morin, Sherry L. Jarrell. SummaryValuation. Avoiding the Winner's Curse. Kenneth R. Ferris, Barbara S. Pecherot Petitt. SummaryDeals of the Century. Wall Street, Mergers, and the Making of Modern America. Charles R. Geisst. SummaryInvestment Management for Insurers. David F. Babbel, Frank J. Fabozzi. SummaryThe New Organizational Wealth. Managing & Measuring Knowledge-Based Assets. Karl Erik Sveiby. SummaryJoining Forces. Making One Plus One Equal Three in Mergers. Mitchell Lee Marks, Philip Mirvis. Summary