The Toyota Way. 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer. Jeffrey K. Liker. SummaryTalk Lean. Shorter Meetings. Quicker Results. Better Relations.. Alan H. Palmer. SummaryLearning to See. Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate Muda. Mike Rother, John Shook. SummaryLean Production Simplified. A Plain-Language Guide to the World’s Most Powerful Production System. Pascal Dennis. SummaryLean Office and Service Simplified. The Definitive How-To Guide. Drew Locher. SummaryToyota Production System. Beyond Large-Scale Production. Taiichi Ohno. SummaryThe Machine That Changed the World. The Story of Lean Production – Toyota’s Secret Weapon in the Global Car Wars That Is Revolutionizing World Industry. James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, Daniel Roos. SummaryThe Toyota Way Fieldbook. A Practical Guide for Implementing Toyota’s 4Ps. David Meier, Jeffrey K. Liker. SummaryLeading Lean. Ensuring Success and Developing a Framework for Leadership. Jean Dahl. SummaryLean Enterprise. How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale. Jez Humble, Joanne Molesky, Barry O'Reilly. SummaryLean vs. Agile vs. Design Thinking. What You Really Need to Know to Build High-Performing Digital Product Teams. Jeff Gothelf. SummaryUnderstanding A3 Thinking. A Critical Component of Toyota’s PDCA Management System. Durward K. Sobek, Art Smalley. SummaryGetting the Right Things Done. A Leader’s Guide to Planning and Execution. Pascal Dennis. SummaryOffice Lean. Understanding and Implementing Flow in a Professional and Administrative Environment. Ken Eakin. SummaryLean UX. Designing Great Products with Agile Teams. Jeff Gothelf, Josh Seiden. SummaryToyota Kata. Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness, and Superior Results. Mike Rother. SummaryRunning Lean. Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works. Ash Maurya. SummaryHow to Implement Lean Manufacturing. Lonnie Wilson. SummaryLean Six Sigma That Works. A Powerful Action Plan for Dramatically Improving Quality, Increasing Speed, And Reducing Waste. Bill Carreira, Bill Trudell. SummaryThe Lean Product Playbook. How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback. Dan Olsen. SummaryThe Toyota Kata Practice Guide. Practicing Scientific Thinking Skills for Superior Results in 20 Minutes a Day. Mike Rother. SummaryThe Lean Book of Lean. A Concise Guide to Lean Management for Life and Business. John Earley. SummaryWhat Is Lean Six Sigma?. Bill Kastle, David Rowlands, Michael L. George. SummaryLean Six Sigma for Services. How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to Improve Services and Transactions. Michael L. George. SummaryLean Six Sigma. Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Speed. Michael L. George. SummaryTurn Waste into Wealth. How to Find Cash in Every Corner of the Company. Mark C. DeLuzio. SummaryToyota Talent. Jeffrey K. Liker, David P. Meier. Summary2 Second Lean. How to Grow People and Build a Fun Lean Culture at Work & at Home. Paul A. Akers. SummaryLean Change Management. Innovative Practices for Managing Organizational Change. Jason Little. SummaryLean for Banks. Improving Quality, Productivity, and Morale in Financial Offices. Bohdan W. Oppenheim, Marek Felbur. SummaryWaging War on Complexity Costs. Reshape Your Cost Structure, Free Up Cash Flows, and Boost Productivity by Attacking Process, Product, and Organizational Complexity. Stephen A. Wilson, Andrei Perumal. SummaryBeyond the Lean Revolution. Achieving Successful and Sustainable Enterprise Transformation. Deborah J. Nightingale, Jayakanth Srinivasan. SummaryThe Lean Machine. How Harley-Davidson Drove Top-Line Growth and Profitability with Revolutionary Lean Product Development. Dantar P. Oosterwal. SummaryLeading the Lean Enterprise Transformation. George Koenigsaecker. SummaryFreedom from Command & Control. Rethinking Management for Lean Service. John Seddon. SummaryLean Solutions. How Companies and Customers Can Create Value and Wealth Together. James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones. SummaryLeaning Into Six Sigma. A Parable of the Journey to Six Sigma and a Lean Enterprise. Barbara Wheat, Chuck Mills, Mike Carnell. SummaryKanban Made Simple. Demystifying and Applying Toyota's Legendary Manufacturing Process. John M. Gross, Kenneth R. McInnis. SummaryCreating a Lean Culture. Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions. David Mann. SummaryThe Ultimate Improvement Cycle. Maximizing Profits through the Integration of Lean, Six Sigma, and the Theory of Constraints. Bob Sproull. SummaryExtreme Toyota. Radical Contradictions That Drive Success at the World's Best Manufacturer. Emi Osono, Norihiko Shimizu, Hirotaka Takeuchi. SummaryGoing Lean. How the Best Companies Apply Lean Manufacturing Principles to Shatter Uncertainty, Drive Innovation, and Maximize Profits. Stephen A. Ruffa. SummaryThe Toyota Product Development System. Integrating People, Process, and Technology. James M. Morgan, Jeffrey K. Liker. SummaryImplementing Six Sigma and Lean. A Practical Guide to Tools and Techniques. Ron Basu. SummaryGemba Kaizen. A Common Sense, Low-Cost Approach to Management. Masaaki Imai. SummaryLean Thinking. Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation. James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones. Summary