Lincoln's Mentors. The Education of a Leader. Michael Gerhardt. SummaryThe Crux. How Leaders Become Strategists. Richard Rumelt. SummaryBusiness Made Simple. 60 Days to Master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution, Management, Personal Productivity and More. Donald Miller. Summary9 Things a Leader Must Do. How to Go to the Next Level – And Take Others With You. Henry Cloud. SummaryHearts Touched with Fire. How Great Leaders are Made. David Gergen. SummaryThe Leader’s Mind. How Great Leaders Prepare, Perform, and Prevail. Jim Afremow, Phil White. SummaryTrust & Inspire. How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others. Stephen M.R. Covey. SummaryHumility Is the New Smart. Rethinking Human Excellence in the Smart Machine Age. Edward D. Hess, Katherine Ludwig. SummaryBecoming Bulletproof. Protect Yourself, Read People, Influence Situations, and Live Fearlessly. Evy Poumpouras. SummaryThe Leadership Pause. Sharpen Your Attention, Deepen Your Presence, and Navigate the Future. Chris L Johnson. SummaryBushido Capitalism. The code to redefine business for a sustainable future. Kengo Sakurada. SummaryHow to Lead. Wisdom from the World’s Greatest CEOs, Founders, and Game Changers. David Rubenstein. SummaryDeveloping the Leader Within You 2.0. John C. Maxwell. SummaryHow Successful Engineers Become Great Business Leaders. Paul Rulkens. SummaryDeveloping the Leader Within You 2.0 Workbook. John C. Maxwell. SummaryLeaders Assemble! Leadership in the MCU. Exploring Effective Leadership Practices Through Popular Culture. Gordon Schmidt, Sy Islam. SummaryThe Managerial Leadership Journey. An Unconventional Business Pursuit. Julian Chapman. SummaryThe Digital Leader. Finding a Faster, More Profitable Path to Exceptional Growth. Ram Charan, Raj Vattikuti. SummaryFirst, Break All the Rules. What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently. Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman. SummaryReal Wins. Race, Leadership and How to Define Success. Michelle Moore. SummaryRehumanizing Leadership. Putting Purpose Back into Business. Michael Chavez, Sudhanshu Palsule. SummaryThe FBI Way. Inside the Bureau’s Code of Excellence. Frank Figliuzzi. SummaryLeadership from the Inside Out. Becoming a Leader for Life. Kevin Cashman. SummaryLeading with Character. 10 Minutes a Day to a Brilliant Legacy. Jim Loehr, Caren Kenney. SummaryChange Your World. How Anyone, Anywhere Can Make a Difference. John C. Maxwell, Rob Hoskins. SummaryDisruptor. 9 Abilities Of Agile Leaders. Manish Bundhun. SummaryDare to Lead Like a Girl. How to Survive and Thrive in the Corporate Jungle. Dalia Feldheim. SummaryCreative Directions. Mastering the Transition from Talent to Leader. Jason Sperling. SummaryThe 48 Laws of Power. Robert Greene. SummaryThe Real-Life MBA. Your No-BS Guide to Winning the Game, Building a Team, and Growing Your Career. Jack Welch, Suzy Welch. SummaryLead for the Planet. Five Practices for Confronting Climate Change. Rae Andre. SummaryEntrepreneurial Leadership. The Art of Launching New Ventures, Inspiring Others, and Running Stuff. Joel Peterson. SummaryThe Eight Paradoxes of Great Leadership. Embracing the Conflicting Demands of Today’s Workplace. Tim Elmore. SummaryThe Gumbo Coalition. 10 Leadership Lessons That Help You Inspire, Unite, and Achieve. Marc Morial. SummaryHidden Truths. What Leaders Need to Hear But Are Rarely Told. David Fubini. SummaryChangemaker Playbook. The New Physics of Leadership in a World of Explosive Change. Henry F. De Sio Jr.. SummaryBeyond Happiness. How Authentic Leaders Prioritize Purpose and People for Growth and Impact. Jenn Lim. SummaryThe Leadership Challenge. How to Keep Getting Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations. Barry Z. Posner, James M. Kouzes. SummaryPatton on Leadership. Strategic Lessons for Corporate Warfare. Alan Axelrod. SummaryThe Brains and Brawn Company. How Leading Organizations Blend the Best of Digital and Physical. Robert Siegel. SummaryDecoding Executives. What they say, what they mean and what you should do. Barbara Sucoff, Susan Kushnir. SummaryCo-Active Leadership. Five Ways to Lead, Second Edition. Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House. SummaryMake It, Don't Fake It. Leading with Authenticity for Real Business Success. Sabrina Horn. SummaryThe Art of Caring Leadership. How Leading with Heart Uplifts Teams and Organizations. Heather R. Younger. SummaryRock the Boat. Embrace Change, Encourage Innovation, and Be a Successful Leader. Danelle Barrett. SummaryEverybody Wants to Rule the World. Surviving and Thriving in a World of Digital Giants. R "Ray" Wang. SummaryThe Power of a Graceful Leader. Alexsys Thompson. SummaryReboot. Leadership and the Art of Growing Up. Jerry Colonna. SummaryLeading with Questions. How Leaders Find the Right Solutions by Knowing What to Ask. Michael J. Marquardt. SummaryThe Leader’s Guide to Resilience. How to Use Soft Skills to Get Hard Results. Audrey Tang. SummaryLeadership U. Accelerating Through the Crisis Curve. Gary Burnison. SummaryManagement Fundamentals. Steven Cohen, William Eimicke. SummaryStronger Through Adversity. World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges. Joseph A. Michelli. SummaryLeading with Gratitude. Eight Leadership Practices for Extraordinary Business Results. Adrian Gostick, Chester Elton. SummaryWhat It Takes to Be #1. Vince Lombardi on Leadership. Vince Lombardi Jr. SummaryThe Human Side of Enterprise. Douglas McGregor. SummaryWinning Now, Winning Later. How Companies Can Succeed in the Short Term While Investing for the Long Term. David Cote. SummarySuperbosses. How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent. Sydney Finkelstein. SummaryThe Leader’s Brain. Enhance Your Leadership, Build Stronger Teams, Make Better Decisions, and Inspire Greater Innovation with Neuroscience. Michael Platt. SummaryHow to Be an Inclusive Leader. Your Role in Creating Cultures of Belonging Where Everyone Can Thrive. Jennifer Brown. SummaryNot Bosses But Leaders. How to Lead the Way to Success. John Adair. SummarySun Tzu's Art of War. The Modern Chinese Interpretation. Tao Hanzhang. SummaryLeadership Framed by Art. Iris Lavy. SummaryThe Manager’s Path. A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change. Camille Fournier. SummaryThe Employee Experience Advantage. How to Win the War for Talent by Giving Employees the Workspaces They Want, the Tools They Need, and a Culture They Can Celebrate. Jacob Morgan. SummaryIntegrity. The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality. Henry Cloud. SummaryThe Leadership Lab. Understanding Leadership in the 21st Century (Kogan Page Inspire Series). Chris Lewis, Dr Pippa Malmgren. SummaryEarning It. Hard-Won Lessons from Trailblazing Women at the Top of the Business World. Joann S. Lublin. SummaryReflexive Leadership. Organising in an Imperfect World. Mats Alvesson, Martin Blom, Stefan Sveningsson. SummaryLeaders Made Here. Building a Leadership Culture. Mark Miller. SummaryIntentional Living. Choosing a Life That Matters. John C. Maxwell. SummaryLearning Leadership. The Five Fundamentals of Becoming an Exemplary Leader. James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner. SummaryLeading Organizations. Ten Timeless Truths. Scott Keller, Mary Meaney. SummaryWinning Minds. Secrets from the Language of Leadership. Simon Lancaster. SummaryGood Leaders Ask Great Questions. Your Foundation for Successful Leadership. John C. Maxwell. SummaryThey Told Me Not to Take That Job. Tumult, Betrayal, Heroics, and the Transformation of Lincoln Center. Reynold Levy. SummaryLead with Humility. 12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis. Jeffrey A. Krames. SummaryMove. How Decisive Leaders Execute Strategy Despite Obstacles, Setbacks and Stalls. Patty Azzarello. SummaryLessons from the Road. Musicians as Business Leaders. Todd Pasternack. SummaryHumble Inquiry. The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling. Edgar H. Schein. SummaryThe Camino Way. Lessons in Leadership from a Walk Across Spain. Victor Prince. SummaryDo Nothing!. How to Stop Overmanaging and Become a Great Leader. J. Keith Murnighan. SummaryThe McKinsey Edge. Success Principles from the World’s Most Powerful Consulting Firm. Shu Hattori. SummaryBe the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For. A Guide for New Leaders. William Gentry PhD. SummaryThe Oz Principle. Getting Results Through Individual And Organizational Accountability. Roger Connors, Tom Smith, Craig Hickman. SummaryThe Art of Authenticity. Tools to Become an Authentic Leader and Your Best Self. Karissa Thacker. SummaryFrom Values to Action. The Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership. Harry M. Kraemer. SummaryGrounded. How Leaders Stay Rooted in an Uncertain World. Bob Rosen. SummaryThe Magnetic Leader. How Irresistible Leaders Attract Employees, Customers, and Profits. Roberta Chinsky Matuson. SummaryThe Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus. How to Get Big Things Done in Your “Workshop” ... All Year Long. Eric Harvey. SummaryGood Business. Leadership, Flow, and the Making of Meaning. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. SummaryThe Marine Corps Way. Using Maneuver Warfare to Lead a Winning Organization. Eric K. Clemons, Vincent Martino, Jason A. Santamaria. SummaryThe Five Roles of a Master Herder. A Revolutionary Model for Socially Intelligent Leadership. Linda Kohanov. SummaryTribes. We Need You to Lead Us. Seth Godin. SummaryLeading Through Language. Choosing Words That Influence and Inspire. Bart Egnal. SummaryThe Engaged Leader. A Strategy for Your Digital Transformation. Charlene Li. SummaryWinning the Long Game. How Strategic Leaders Shape the Future. Steven Krupp, Paul J.H. Schoemaker. SummaryTrue North. Discover Your Authentic Leadership. Bill George, Peter Sims. SummaryLeading at a Higher Level. Blanchard on Leadership and Creating High Performing Organizations. Ken Blanchard. SummaryThe One Thing You Need to Know. ... About Great Managing, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Success. Marcus Buckingham. SummarySquirrel Inc.. A Fable of Leadership Through Storytelling. Stephen Denning. SummaryHow to Become a Great Boss. The Rules for Getting and Keeping the Best Employees. Jeffrey J. Fox. SummaryThe Future of Leadership. Today's Top Leadership Thinkers Speak to Tomorrow's Leaders. Warren Bennis, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Thomas G. Cummings. SummaryMentored by a Millionaire. Master Strategies of Super Achievers. Steven K. Scott. SummaryLeader's Guide to Storytelling. Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative. Stephen Denning. SummaryJack Welch and the 4 E's of Leadership. Jeffrey A. Krames. SummaryMoral Intelligence. Enhancing Business Performance and Leadership Success. Doug Lennick, Fred Kiel. SummaryAuthentic Leadership. Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value. Bill George. SummaryLeading with Strategic Thinking. Four Ways Effective Leaders Gain Insight, Drive Change, and Get Results. Aaron K. Olson, B. Keith Simerson. SummaryYour First Leadership Job. How Catalyst Leaders Bring Out the Best in Others. Tacy M. Byham, Richard S. Wellins. SummaryNeuroscience for Leadership. Harnessing the Brain Gain Advantage. Tara Swart, Kitty Chisholm, Paul Brown. SummaryThe Five Temptations of a CEO. A Leadership Fable. Patrick Lencioni. SummaryThe Dream Manager. Matthew Kelly. SummaryBecoming The Best. Build a World-Class Organization Through Values-Based Leadership. Harry M. Jansen Kraemer Jr.. SummaryThe Radical Leap. A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership. Steve Farber. SummaryThe Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive. A Leadership Fable. Patrick Lencioni. SummaryThe Leadership Pipeline. How to Build the Leadership-Powered Company. Ram Charan, Stephen Drotter, James Noel. SummaryCredibility. How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It. James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner. SummaryA Higher Standard. Leadership Strategies from America’s First Female Four-Star General. Ann Dunwoody. SummaryRising to Power. The Journey of Exceptional Executives. Ron A. Carucci, Eric C. Hansen. SummaryYour Leadership Story. Use Your Story to Energize, Inspire, and Motivate. Timothy J. Tobin. SummaryNo-Drama Leadership. How Enlightened Leaders Transform Culture in the Workplace. Marlene Chism. SummaryEverything Connects. How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Creativity, Innovation, and Sustainability. Faisal Hoque, Drake Baer. SummaryThe Leadership Handbook. 26 Critical Lessons Every Leader Needs. John C. Maxwell. SummaryLeaders Open Doors. A Radically Simple Leadership Approach to Lift People, Profits, and Performance. Bill Treasurer. SummaryLeadership Sustainability. Seven Disciplines to Achieve the Changes Great Leaders Know They Must Make. Dave Ulrich, Norm Smallwood. SummaryStart with Why. How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Simon Sinek. SummarySimply Managing. What Managers Do – and Can Do Better. Henry Mintzberg. SummaryFlex. The New Playbook for Managing Across Differences. Jane Hyun, Audrey S. Lee. SummaryA Team of Leaders. Empowering Every Member to Take Ownership, Demonstrate Initiative, and Deliver Results. Paul Gustavson, Stewart Liff. SummaryLeading the Starbucks Way. 5 Principles for Connecting with Your Customers, Your Products, and Your People. Joseph A. Michelli. SummaryNow, Discover Your Strengths. Marcus Buckingham, Donald O. Clifton. SummaryFollow the Leader. The One Thing Great Leaders Have that Great Followers Want. Emmanuel Gobillot. SummaryProfit from the Positive. Proven Leadership Strategies to Boost Productivity and Transform Your Business. Margaret Greenberg, Senia Maymin. SummaryThe Inclusion Dividend. Why Investing in Diversity & Inclusion Pays Off. Mark Kaplan, Mason Donovan. SummaryThe Blame Game. How the Hidden Rules of Credit and Blame Determine Our Success or Failure. Ben Dattner, Darren Dahl. SummaryWhat Keeps Leaders Up at Night. Recognizing and Resolving Your Most Troubling Management Issues. Nicole Lipkin. SummaryThe Upside of the Downturn. Ten Management Strategies to Prevail in the Recession and Thrive in the Aftermath. Geoff Colvin. SummaryCare to Dare. Unleashing Astonishing Potential Through Secure Base Leadership. George Kohlrieser, Susan Goldsworthy, Duncan Coombe. SummaryBreaking the Fear Barrier. How Fear Destroys Companies from the Inside Out and What to Do About It. Tom Rieger. SummaryManaging Conflict at Work. Understanding and Resolving Conflict for Productive Working Relationships. Clive Johnson, Jackie Keddy. SummaryWorld Class Diversity Management. A Strategic Approach. R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.. SummaryThe Insider's Guide to Supervising Government Employees. Kathryn M. Johnson (editor). SummaryY-Size Your Business. How Gen Y Employees Can Save You Money and Grow Your Business. Jason Ryan Dorsey. SummaryThe Powers to Lead. Joseph Nye Jr.. SummaryRedesigning Leadership. Design, Technology, Business, Life. John Maeda, Becky Bermont. SummaryReviving Work Ethic. A Leader's Guide to Ending Entitlement and Restoring Pride in the Emerging Workforce. Eric Chester. SummaryThe Inner Edge. The 10 Practices of Personal Leadership. Joelle K. Jay. SummaryThe Elephant in the Boardroom. The Causes of Leadership Derailment. Adrian Furnham. SummaryArmy of Entrepreneurs. Create an Engaged and Empowered Workforce for Exceptional Business Growth. Jennifer Prosek. SummaryRice Wine with the Minister. Distilled Wisdom to Manage, Lead and Succeed on the Global Stage. Andrew Kakabadse, Nada Kakabadse. SummaryThe Transformational CIO. Leadership and Innovation Strategies for IT Executives in a Rapidly Changing World. Hunter Muller. SummaryIf You Will Lead. Enduring Wisdom for 21st-Century Leaders. Doug Moran. SummaryThe Why of Work. How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations that Win. Dave Ulrich, Wendy Ulrich. SummaryGenerating Buy-In. Mastering the Language of Leadership. Mark S. Walton. SummaryThe New Entrepreneurial Leader. Developing Leaders Who Shape Social and Economic Opportunity. Danna Greenberg, Kate McKone-Sweet, H. James Wilson. SummaryDive In. Springboard into the Profitability, Productivity, and Potential of the Special Needs Workforce. Nadine O. Vogel, Cindy Brown. SummaryAlexander the Great's Art of Strategy. Partha Bose. SummaryIt Starts with One. Changing Individuals Changes Organizations. J. Stewart Black, Hal B. Gregersen. SummaryCommunication Catalyst. The Fast (But Not Stupid) Track to Value for Customers, Investors, and Employees. Mickey Connolly, Richard Rianoshek. SummaryGeorge Washington on Leadership. Richard Brookhiser. SummaryThe Art of Engagement. Bridging the Gap Between People and Possibilities. Jim Haudan. SummaryObstacles Welcome. Turn Adversity to Advantage in Business and Life. Ralph de la Vega. SummaryThe Manager's Book of Decencies. How Small Gestures Build Great Companies. Steve Harrison. SummaryRiding Shotgun. The Role of the COO. Nathan Bennett, Stephen A. Miles. SummaryThe Secret. What Great Leaders Know and Do. Ken Blanchard, Mark Miller. SummaryCareer Imprints. Creating Leaders across an Industry. Monica C. Higgins. SummaryIt's Not about the Coffee. Leadership Principles from a Life at Starbucks. Howard Behar. SummaryLeading in Times of Crisis. Navigating Through Complexity, Diversity, and Uncertainty to Save Your Business. David L. Dotlich, Peter C. Cairo, Stephen H. Rhinesmith. SummaryThe Leader of the Future 2. Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era. Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith. SummaryMicromessaging. Why Great Leadership is Beyond Words. Stephen Young. SummaryThe Wizard and the Warrior. Leading with Passion and Power. Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal. SummaryTransferring Learning to Behavior. Using the Four Levels to Improve Performance. Donald L. Kirkpatrick, James D. Kirkpatrick. SummaryNo Substitute for Victory. Lessons in Strategy and Leadership from General Douglas MacArthur. Theodore Kinni, Donna Kinni. SummaryThink Big, Act Small. How America's Best Performing Companies Keep the Start-up Spirit Alive. Jason Jennings. SummaryDirectors' Dilemmas. Tales from the Front Line. Patrick Dunne. SummaryJohn F. Kennedy on Leadership. The Lessons and Legacy of a President. John A. Barnes. SummaryThe Allure of Toxic Leaders. Why We Follow Destructive Bosses And Corrupt Politicians - and How We Can Survive Them. Jean Lipman-Blumen. SummaryThe Leadership Mystique. A User's Manual for the Human Enterprise. Manfred Kets de Vries. SummaryPractice What You Preach. What Managers Must Do to Create a High Achievement Culture. David H. Maister. SummaryGet Better or Get Beaten. 29 Leadership Secrets from GE's Jack Welch. Robert Slater. SummaryJust Ask Leadership. Why Great Managers Always Ask the Right Questions. Gary B. Cohen. SummaryLeadership. Rudolph W. Giuliani, Ken Kurson. SummaryPrinciple-Centered Leadership. Stephen R. Covey. SummaryThe Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell. Oren Harari. SummaryManagers, Can You Hear Me Now?. Hard-Hitting Lessons on How to Get Real Results. Denny Strigl, Frank Swiatek. SummaryAiming High. Success Stories of Leadership and Strategic Planning. Colonel Jay W. Spechler, Ph.D.. SummaryAckoff's Best. His Classic Writings on Management. Russell L. Ackoff. SummaryThe Secret Language of Leadership. How Leaders Inspire Action Through Narrative. Stephen Denning. SummaryDeciding Who Leads. How Executive Recruiters Drive, Direct & Disrupt the Global Search for Leadership Talent. Joseph Daniel McCool. SummaryDeveloping the Leaders Around You. How to Help Others Reach Their Full Potential. John C. Maxwell. SummaryThe Talent Powered Organization. Strategies for Globalization, Talent Management and High Performance. Peter Cheese, Robert J. Thomas, Elizabeth Craig. SummaryResults That Last. Hardwiring Behaviors That Will Take Your Company to the Top. Quint Studer. SummaryThe Power of Servant Leadership. Essays. Robert K. Greenleaf. SummaryThe Springboard. How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations. Stephen Denning. SummaryPerformance Management. Key Strategies and Practical Guidelines. Michael Armstrong. SummaryChief Customer Officer. Getting Past Lip Service to Passionate Action. Jeanne Bliss. SummaryDecent People, Decent Company. How to Lead with Character at Work and in Life. Robert L. Turknett, Carolyn N. Turknett. SummaryLevel Three Leadership. Getting Below the Surface. James G. Clawson. SummarySpeak Like a CEO. Secrets for Commanding Attention and Getting Results. Suzanne Bates. SummaryCorporate Confidential. Fortune 500 Executives off the Record: What It Really Takes to Get to the Top. Susan A. DePhillips. SummaryHow to Manage Problem Employees. A Step-by-Step Guide for Turning Difficult Employees into High Performers. Glenn Shepard. SummarySecrets of Special Ops Leadership. Dare the Impossible - Achieve the Extraordinary. William A. Cohen. SummaryWest Point Leadership Lessons. Duty, Honor and Other Management Principles. Scott Snair. SummaryLeadership Skills for Managers. Marlene Caroselli. SummaryThe Transparency Edge. How Credibility Can Make or Break You in Business. Barbara Pagano, Elizabeth Pagano. SummaryThe Strategic Leader. New Tactics for a Globalizing World. John R. Pisapia. SummaryChristian Reflections on the Leadership Challenge. James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner. SummaryThe Accidental Leader. What To Do When You're Suddenly In Charge. Michael Finley, Harvey Robbins. SummaryLeading Out Loud. Inspiring Change Through Authentic Communication. Terry Pearce. SummaryThe Courage to Act. 5 Factors of Courage to Transform Business. Merom Klein, Rod Napier. SummaryHow the Best Leaders Lead. Proven Secrets to Getting the Most Out of Yourself and Others. Brian Tracy. SummaryLessons on Leadership. The 7 Fundamental Management Skills for Leaders at All Levels. Jack Stahl. SummaryThe Passionate Organization. Igniting the Fire of Employee Commitment. James R. Lucas. SummaryLeading at the Edge of Chaos. How to Create the Nimble Organization. Daryl R. Conner. SummaryLeader Mentoring. Find, Inspire, and Cultivate Great Leaders. Michael Shenkman. SummaryHug Your People. The Proven Way to Hire, Inspire, and Recognize Your Employees to Achieve Remarkable Results. Jack Mitchell. SummaryPower and Influence. The Rules Have Changed. Robert L. Dilenschneider. SummaryThe DNA of Leadership. Leverage Your Instincts To Communicate, Differentiate, Innovate. Judith E. Glaser. SummaryThe Control Freak Revolution. Make Your Most Maddening Behaviors Work for Your Company and to Your Advantage. Cheryl Cran. SummaryStrategic Human Resources Management. A Guide to Action. Michael Armstrong. SummaryLeading at the Edge. Leadership Lessons from the Extraordinary Saga of Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition. Dennis N.T. Perkins, Margaret P. Holtman, Paul R. Kessler, Catherine McCarthy. SummaryThe Powell Principles. 24 Lessons From Colin Powell, Battle-Proven Leader. Oren Harari. SummaryThe Inspirational Leader. How to Motivate, Encourage and Achieve Success. John Adair. SummaryThe Power of the Tale. Using Narratives for Organizational Success. Julie Allan, Gerard Fairtlough, Barbara Heinzen. SummaryLions Don't Need to Roar. Using the Leadership Power of Professional Presence to Stand Out, Fit In, and Move Ahead. Debra A. Benton. SummaryThe Leadership Triad. Knowledge, Trust and Power. Dale E. Zand. SummaryThe Leader's Companion. Insights on Leadership Through the Ages. J. Thomas Wren. SummaryHow to Think Like a CEO. The 22 Vital Traits You Need to Be the Person at the Top. Debra A. Benton. SummaryUnlock Behavior, Unleash Profits. How Your Leadership Behavior Can Unlock Profitability in your Organization. Leslie Wilk Braksick. SummaryThe Leader Within. Learning Enough About Yourself to Lead Others. Aaron Block, Jurgen Bohrmann, Mikolaj Boltuc, Guglielmo de Stefano, Jean-Werner de T'Serclaes, Nick Gagnon, Or Klier, Rahel Lebefromm, Gareth Ng, Pauline Wray. SummaryThe 21st Century Supervisor. Nine Essential Skills for Developing Frontline Leaders. Brad Humphrey, Jeff Stokes. SummaryHard Wired Leadership. Unleashing the Power of Personality to Become a New Millennium Leader. Roger R. Pearman. SummaryCEO Logic. How to Think and Act Like a Chief Executive. C. Ray Johnson. SummaryExecutive Thinking. The Dream, The Vision, The Mission Achieved. Leslie L. Kossoff. SummaryThe Spirit of Leadership. Liberating the Leader in Each of Us. Harrison Owen. SummaryApplied Empathy. The New Language of Leadership. Michael Ventura. SummaryWhat The CEO Wants You to Know. Using Your Business Acumen to Understand How Your Company Really Works. Ram Charan. SummaryLeadership Secrets of Attila the Hun. Wess Roberts. Summary