Think Outside the Building. How Advanced Leaders Can Change the World One Smart Innovation at a Time. Rosabeth Moss Kanter. SummaryGood Business. The Talk, Fight, Win Way to Change the World. Bill Novelli. SummaryHow to Be Rich. His Formulas. J.P. Getty. SummaryThe Greater Good. Social Entrepreneurship for Everyday People Who Want to Change the World. Madeleine Shaw. SummaryIrrational Kindness. The Crazy Pursuit of an Extraordinary Life. Kevin Williams. SummarySustainability to Social Change. Lead Your Company from Managing Risks to Creating Social Value. Bradley Googins, Philipp Mirvis. SummaryThe Corporate Social Mind. How Companies Lead Social Change from the Inside Out. Derrick Feldmann, Michael Alberg-Seberich. SummaryCorporate Social Responsibility Is Not Public Relations. How to Put CSR at the Heart of Your Company and Maximize the Business Benefits. Sangeeta Waldron. SummaryThe Purpose of Capital. Elements of Impact, Financial Flows, and Natural Being. Jed Emerson. SummaryThe B Corp Handbook, Second Edition. How You Can Use Business as a Force for Good. Ryan Honeyman, Tiffany Jana. SummaryThe Intelligent Organization. Engaging the Talent and Initiative of Everyone in the Workplace. Gifford Pinchot, Elizabeth Pinchot. SummaryPeople Over Profit. Break the System, Live with Purpose, Be More Successful. Dale Partridge. SummaryShapeholders. Business Success in the Age of Activism. Mark R. Kennedy. SummaryChanging Business from the Inside Out. A Treehugger’s Guide to Working in Corporations. Timothy J. Mohin. SummaryThe Business Solution to Poverty. Designing Products and Services for Three Billion New Customers. Paul Polak, Mal Warwick. SummaryConfessions of a Microfinance Heretic. How Microlending Lost Its Way and Betrayed the Poor. Hugh Sinclair. SummaryFrom Crisis to Calling. Finding Your Moral Center in the Toughest Decisions. Sasha Chanoff, David Chanoff. SummaryThe Sustainability Edge. How to Drive Top-Line Growth with Triple-Bottom-Line Thinking. Suhas Apte, Jagdish N. Sheth. SummaryMission Critical. Unlocking the Value of Veterans in the Workforce. Michael Abrams, Julia Taylor Kennedy. SummaryEnvironmentalism of the Rich. Peter Dauvergne. SummaryStewardship. Lessons Learned from the Lost Culture of Wall Street. John G. Taft. SummaryLikeable Business. Why Today’s Consumers Demand More and How Leaders Can Deliver. Dave Kerpen. SummaryGreen to Gold. How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage. Daniel C. Esty, Andrew S. Winston. SummarySustainable Materials Without the Hot Air. Making Buildings, Vehicles and Products Efficiently and with Less New Material. Julian M. Allwood, Jonathan M. Cullen. SummaryThe Corporation. Joel Bakan. Summary99 to 1. How Wealth Inequality Is Wrecking the World and What We Can Do About It. Chuck Collins. SummaryThe Disposable American. Layoffs and Their Consequences. Louis Uchitelle. SummaryConfessions of an Economic Hit Man. John Perkins. SummaryThe Dragonfly Effect. Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways To Use Social Media to Drive Social Change. Jennifer Aaker, Andy Smith. SummaryGreen Giants. How Smart Companies Turn Sustainability into Billion-Dollar Businesses. E. Freya Williams. SummaryBetter Bankers, Better Banks. Promoting Good Business through Contractual Commitment. Richard W. Painter. SummaryThe Market for Virtue. The Potential And Limits Of Corporate Social Responsibility. David Vogel. SummaryWhat Matters Most. How a Small Group of Pioneers Is Teaching Social Responsibility to Big Business, and Why Big Business Is Listening. Stephen Fenichell, Jeffrey Hollender. SummaryCradle to Cradle. Remaking the Way We Make Things. William McDonough, Michael Braungart. SummaryEmpires of Profit. Commerce, Conquest and Corporate Responsibility. Daniel Litvin. SummaryEvery Gift Matters. How Your Passion Can Change the World. Carrie Morgridge, John Perry. SummaryA Better World, Inc.. How Companies Profit by Solving Global Problems...Where Governments Cannot. Alice Korngold. SummaryOvercoming Mobbing. A Recovery Guide for Workplace Aggression and Bullying. Maureen Duffy, Len Sperry. SummaryA Path Appears. Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity. Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn. SummaryThe Corporation. The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power. Joel Bakan. SummaryGive and Take. A Revolutionary Approach to Success. Adam Grant. SummaryOwning Our Future. The Emerging Ownership Revolution. Marjorie Kelly. SummarySustainability for Healthcare Management. A Leadership Imperative. Carrie R. Rich, J. Knox Singleton, Seema S. Wadhwa. SummaryGood Works!. Marketing and Corporate Initiatives that Build a Better World...and the Bottom Line. Philip Kotler, David Hessekiel, Nancy R. Lee. SummaryThe Corporate Whistleblower's Survival Guide. A Handbook for Committing the Truth. Tom Devine, Tarek F. Maassarani. SummaryEcological Intelligence. How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything. Daniel Goleman. SummaryGetting Green Done. Hard Truths from the Front Lines of the Sustainability Revolution. Auden Schendler. SummaryEnough. Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty. Roger Thurow, Scott Kilman. SummaryFactor Five. Transforming the Global Economy through 80% Improvements in Resource Productivity. Ernst von Weizsacker, Karlson 'Charlie' Hargroves, Michael H. Smith, Cheryl Desha, Peter Stasinopoulos. SummarySmall Change. Why Business Won't Save the World. Michael Edwards. SummaryStoking Your Innovation Bonfire. A Roadmap to a Sustainable Culture of Ingenuity and Purpose. Braden Kelley. SummaryMaking Sustainability Work. Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental, and Economic Impacts. Marc J. Epstein. SummaryThe Triple Bottom Line. How Today's Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social, and Environmental Success — and How You Can Too. Andrew W. Savitz, Karl Weber. SummaryCorporate Social Responsibility. Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause. Philip Kotler, Nancy Lee. SummaryMarketing 3.0. From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit. Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan. SummaryThe Nonprofit Membership Toolkit. Ellis M.M. Robinson, Kim Klein. SummaryExcellence in the Boardroom. Best Practices In Corporate Directorship. William A. Dimma. SummaryThe Greening of IT. How Companies Can Make a Difference for the Environment. John Lamb. SummaryChina 2020. How Western Business Can – and Should – Influence Social and Political Change in the Coming Decade. Michael A. Santoro. SummaryGreen Tech. How to Plan and Implement Sustainable IT Solutions. Lawrence Webber, Michael Wallace. SummaryMoney Well Spent. A Strategic Guide for Smart Philanthropy. Paul Brest, Hal Harvey. SummaryThe New Rules of Green Marketing. Strategies, Tools, and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding. Jacquelyn Ottman. SummaryCorporate Universities. A Lever of Corporate Responsibility. Annick Renaud-Coulon. SummaryThe Civil Corporation. The New Economy of Corporate Citizenship. Simon Zadek. SummaryValues-Driven Business. How to Change the World, Make Money, and Have Fun. Ben Cohen, Mal Warwick. SummaryAn Investor's Guide to Ethical Funds. John Hancock. SummaryUniversities in the Marketplace. The Commercialization of Higher Education. Derek Bok. SummaryInvesting in Corporate Social Responsibility. A Guide to Best Practice, Business Planning and the UK's Leading Companies. John Hancock. SummaryExporting America. Why Corporate Greed is Shipping American Jobs Overseas. Lou Dobbs. SummaryThe Green Workplace. Sustainable Strategies That Benefit Employees, the Environment and the Bottom Line. Leigh Stringer. SummaryThe Divine Right of Capital. Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy. Marjorie Kelly. SummaryGood for Business. The Rise of the Conscious Corporation. Andrew Benett, Cavas Gobhai, Ann O'Reilly, Greg Welch. SummaryGood Value. Reflections on money, morality and an uncertain world. Stephen Green. SummaryDiversity in Organizations. Myrtle P. Bell. SummaryLeading the Board. The Six Disciplines of World-Class Chairmen. Andrew Kakabadse, Nada Kakabadse. SummaryFirms of Endearment. How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose. Raj Sisodia, Jag Sheth, David B. Wolfe. SummaryNew Strategies for Reputation Management. Gaining Control of Issues, Crises & Corporate Social Responsibility. Andrew Griffin. SummaryThe Fish Rots from the Head. The Crisis in Our Boardrooms: Developing the Crucial Skills of the Competent Director. Bob Garratt. SummaryThe Naked Corporation. How the Age of Transparency Will Revolutionize Business. Don Tapscott, David Ticoll. SummaryCorporate Social Investing. The Breakthrough Strategy for Giving and Getting Corporate Contributions. Curt Weeden. SummaryManaging Green Issues. Tom Curtin. SummaryTalespin. Public Relations Disasters-Inside Stories & Lessons Learnt. Gerry McCusker. Summary